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Rabbi Shoshana's Blog
Jul 20, 20246 min read
How Western culture contributes to the PDA threat response
The PDA threat response may not be so disabling in other cultures.
Jul 14, 20244 min read
What are common strengths of Autistic PDAers?
What are common strengths of Autistic PDAers, and how does cultural context help us answer this question?
May 18, 20249 min read
How unlimited screen time works in our home & how I recommend parents approach screens with PDA kids & teens
How unlimited screentime works in our home and how I recommend PDA parents approach screen usage for their kids.
Mar 24, 20249 min read
6 Areas I Practice Low Demand Living
What is Low Demand? I came to the concept of Low Demand Living through Low Demand Parenting. Low Demand Parenting is the idea that we can...
Mar 24, 20246 min read
8 Things I Do to Live Well as an Autistic PDAer
I’m Autistic with a PDA profile. I was born with an overactive threat response that gets easily triggered, especially when I’m faced with...
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